​Most electric resistance furnaces fitted heating coils or superkanthal heating elements can be supplied in vacuum implementation. The ovens are equipped with a high-strength stainless steel vacuum outer container, rotary vacuum pump, equipment for supply and discharge of technical gases, explosion flap, or a device for burning gases. Can also be added equipment for mixing different gases in precisely defined concentrations. Furnaces can be chambered, cylindrical or elevator.
The maximum temperatures depend on the degree of vacuum and when using technical gases reduce to temperatures recommended by the manufacturer of heating resistance materials. As an example and reference, a vacuum furnace in an elevator design can be mentioned enabling observation, analysis and modeling of melting processes at glass processing. The melt sample is captured by a video camera from the left side against the black background on the right.The inner space of the furnace is designed for temperatures up to 1600°C and for the possibility of various applications gaseous atmospheres.
The furnace was developed in cooperation with VŠCHT Prague. Furthermore, for example, a vacuum furnace was successfully developed and tested in operation hydrogen atmosphere with a temperature of 1550°C for metal sintering.
The production of vacuum furnaces, their dimensions, parameters and design are governed by the customer's requirements.​