​​CLARE 5 also allows precisely control up to 4 control circuits wit​h its compact size. Thanks touch screen, large buttons and firmware design is the control maximally convenient and intuitive. The graphics coprocessor then provides seamless display. To increase comfort, everyone can choose or directly on the controller to create your favorite main screen look. Product features (not all may be available yet):

- modular programmable temperature controller
- 4" color touch capacitive panel
- powerful graphic and sound coprocessor
- up to 4 precise 22-bit ADC converters
- selectable number of A/D inputs/outputs
- wide WIFI/LAN/485 connectivity
- further expansion using external modules
- standard 1/4 DIN (96 x 96 mm)

- a rich selection of predefined screen skins
- fully configurable appearance (16 custom screens)
- a choice of 12 scalable modules and 16 possible positions
- graph modules, hand/dig. indicator, history, etc.
- widgets (stopwatch, minute minder, calculator, notes)
- user-defined pull-out bar
- possibility to leave a message or comment

- practically immediate switching on of the  regulator (under 3 s)
- selection of service level (from thermostat to expert mode)
- intuitive control with integrated help
- modern multi-set PID and fuzzy control
- accurate ramps (1°C/year), correction curves of thermocouples
- 99 user programs with 99 blocks (12 commands)
- unlimited data and event records (up to 32 GB memory)
- database of 200 realized temperature courses
- electricity consumption counters You can find the manual for the regulator here.